Pug People, what could be better than a cute boy with a British accent who worships his pug? (Answer: Nothing. Nothing could be better.) You’ve seen the delicious Pangpang racing down a hallway to capture a juicy blueberry, now you get to know what he does the rest of the day for fun :-) Enjoy Pangpang and Dan!
PP: It’s so nice to meet you, Dan! We don’t think we’ve ever seen you IRL before.
Dan: I’ll do the odd video where I show my face, but I’m definitely not keen to become a celebrity myself. I’m very happy for the focus to be on Pangpang.
PP: Of course, we realize we’ve been mispronouncing his name all this time, how sad.
Dan: Not a problem, even my family can’t pronounce it correctly. It’s a Chinese name, so even though it’s spelled with an “a”, you pronounce it like an “uh”, like “Pungpung.” It literally means “FatFat”.

Dan: I lived in China for a few years and I always wanted a pug, so one day I was bored on the bus to work and thought if I got a pug, what would I call him? I was learning Chinese at the time and ‘Pangpang’ was the first idea I had. It made me laugh and when I told my colleagues at work, they loved it. I held onto the name until I had the pug to fit it.
PP: We wish our readers could see this. Pangpang is currently licking you within an inch of your life.
Dan: He’s just a ball of love all the time. He would happily do this until he passed out.
PP: So how did you become a Pug Person?
Dan: I’d never seen a pug in person before, but when I saw “Men in Black” I became obsessed. That face, for me… I just instantly fell in love.

Dan: My parents were not pet people, so I thought, “The minute I get my own place, the first thing I’m doing is getting a pug.” And I did. I didn’t have anything in my apartment but the pug and I knew the most important thing was there.
PP: Was that Pangpang?
Dan: No, my pug in China was Pugsie and my ex-girlfriend took him when we broke up. A bit of a revenge act, I think.
PP: She took your child?! Vicious! But now you’re married to a true Pug Mom.
Dan: Well, I’m the Puggier Person of the two of us, but you know pugs, they’ll do anything to win people over. Pangpang works 24/7 to make sure she’s as addicted to him as I am.
PP: Dan, what do you love most about pugs?
Dan: They’re so playful and so loving. If you’re a Pug Person, you’re the type who wants an animal to follow you around all the time. I don’t want a dog that when I come home, he just kind of says hello and goes back to whatever he was doing. Maybe I’m just as needy as Pangpang.
PP: We’re definitely needier than our pugs. Are you a Pug Paraphernalia Person?
Dan: Oh, we may have one or two pug-themed things in the house. (laughs) My entire wardrobe is pug. We have rugs and paintings and duvets for the bed.
PP: Your wife must be a patient soul.
Dan: It comes with the territory. I’ve managed to lower her expectations over the years, so we’re good.
PP: Do you have a favorite memory or story about Pangpang?
Dan: When he learned to swim. Because Pangpang was terrified of water and overcame his fear. The first time, though, he scratched the living hell out of me.
PP: Ouch.
Dan: Also, when Pangpang started learning tricks. He learned so fast and it was such a bonding experience. Of course, you have to have a really good treat ready. I think if I gave him a Rubik’s Cube and had a good treat, he’d be like “Right, I’ve got this.”

Dan: My favorite time was when I guess I hadn’t given Pangpang a clear command and he just reeled off all his tricks, you know, sit down, turn around, lie down, roll over, play dead, speak, high-five, shake hands… Like, “I know it’s gotta be one of these. Come on, what’s a pug got to do to get a treat around here?”
PP: Somehow we think you’re going to say yes to this: do you do a ‘voice’ for Pangpang?
Dan: Um, yeah, I’m pretty sure I’d be sectioned if someone had a microphone in my house because I’m always talking shit with Pangpang; I’m thinking, the men in the white coats are going to come for me.
