Pug People, we’re branching out! We’ve been fascinated by the marvelous artists who focus their considerable talents on pug pictures and paintings, and thus we begin our new series with Fair, known to the Pug World as @sosunammy, a Korean artist who draws pugs. Only pugs. Every day. And she doesn’t even have a pug, she just knows that pugs are the best thing to draw, always and forever. Enjoy!
PP: Fair, we see that you have a stuffed pug to keep you company as you draw pugs and dream about pugs and the like.
Fair: Yes, this is Pineapple.
PP: Perfect name. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Fair: In the day, I work as a corporate legal counsel. At night, I come home and draw pugs. And I’m single, so I have all the time to draw pugs.

PP: This sounds rather divine, honestly. Have you always been an artist, even when you were a kid?
Fair: Oh no, I didn’t dare draw until 2018. I had learned about pugs from Gemma Correll back in 2011. I saw some of her non-pug related work and thought it was brilliant and when I searched her out, I saw her two pugs, Ella and Mr. Pickles. And they intrigued me, so for a long time, I couldn’t stop thinking about pugs and learning about pugs, and then in 2018, I dared to draw them. And the rest is history.
PP: Thank you, Gemma! Do you draw other things or just pugs?
Fair: Just pugs. They inspire me. I don’t want to draw anything else. When I draw pugs, I go into my happy place.

PP: You are truly a Pug Person, even without a live pug! Do you ever want a pug of your own?
Fair: I really do, but I work so many hours and travel so much for my job, it feels unfair to do that to a pug. When I retire, definitely. I do get to cuddle some live pugs when I go to the City of Good Puggers event in Buffalo, NY. I drew the event’s logo last year and this year.
PP: That’s awesome! What are some of your inspirations?
Fair: I have a niece who lives in the States who was born in 2020. And she’s so cute and funny, so whenever I see a picture of her, I just imagine her being with a pug.

PP: Oh right! You’ve put her in some of the pieces you’ve recreated from our Pug Art. The picture of the two angel pugs, was that inspired by Gemma Correll?
Fair: Yes, that’s Ella and Mr. Pickles, who are both now angels. I’m just a fan, but one time I asked if I could purchase one of her works and she just signed it and sent it to me. She’s amazing.
PP: Well, she’s a Pug Person. ‘Nuff said. Fair, what medium do you use for your art?
Fair: Right now, I use iPad’s Procreate. Very easy to use, anyone can just jump in. I used to use pen and paper and I want to try acrylics at some point. I really like what ChickenPants does, Claire’s the artist, I want to do that stuff at some point.
PP: Oh, we love ChickenPants and would love to interview Claire at some point (wink, wink, just in case she reads this) What does your Instagram name mean?
Fair: “Sos u na” means “You are a” in Spanish and “Mmy” is short for “moong moong yi” which means “puppy” in Korean. My sister used to tell me I was so cute and say “Sos u na moong moong yi” and pat me on the head.
PP: Aw, you’re a pug puppy! What Instagram pugs have you drawn?
Fair: Uh… I was going to start naming them, but I actually think I’ve drawn about three hundred pugs! In 2018, I tried to draw one pug a day, so yes, at least three hundred. After studying their faces, I can see a pug and immediately say, “Oh, that’s Roscoe” or “That’s Banksy, that’s Stanley, that’s Pie!”

PP: What is it about pugs that inspire you?
Fair: There’s something about their kind face. It draws you in. When I look at a pug, I feel so comfortable and centered and at peace. Whenever I’m stressed, I look at pug pictures. The first pug I drew was Harlow of @doofcrew and her mom was so kind and encouraging that I started drawing other pugs and then I started doing commissions. Sometimes I do prompts, but I really like looking at classical paintings and if they don’t have pugs, I just add pugs in. Because I think they look better that way.
PP: We totally agree.
